Hej, hej.
Dzisiaj bez zbędnego pisania, lata co prawda namiastka ,ale już je powoli czuć, kilka tygodni temu wybrałem się do zoo, zrobiłem naturalnie kilka zdjęć które publikuję w galerii "Builgings,things and places" . Wszystko wokół kwitnie więc zapraszam was też do galerii "Nature" .
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Photo.Bartłomiej Nowak |
Today, without unnecessary writing, admittedly we have a summer after all, a few weeks ago, I been in the zoo ,and naturally taken some photos so h published few of them in the gallery "Builgings, things and places". All around blooms so I invite you also to the "Nature" gallery.
Oggi senza unnecessaria scritturia, ingiro giá abbiamo un debole respiro di l'estate (magari qui) pero si púo sentire gia in aria, qualche settimana fa sono andato a zoo e naturalmente dovevo scattare qualche fotografie ed esse potete vedere in galleria "Building, things and Places" .Tutto intorno sta fiorendo allora vi invitero anche a galleria "Nature"
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